Why Space Exploration should continue to be funded.

5 min readNov 10, 2020


Over the course of history, Space Exploration and travel have undoubtedly played a major role in human civilization, shaping communities, scientific beliefs, and possibly being the base of many important topics in the sciences such as the study of virtual particles, quantum sciences, and many more. In this debate, we will look at why Space Exploration is something we should spend money on.

We will look at the field of finance, with NASA’s budget in comparison to other figures as well as a brief look at the ever-increasingly positive impacts space exploration has had on many fields. To complement this, we will explain the correlation between smoke detectors, GPS systems, heat-seeking missiles, and scratch-resistant lenses. Following this, a look at overpopulation and cancer research will thoroughly confirm and prove why this house believes that Space Exploration is a worthy cause of investments and funding.

In the US alone, 19 Billion USD is contributed each year to the National Aeronautics’ Association of The States, NASA. Though this may seem unreasonable, we strongly and firmly believe that this is mandatory towards the development of human civilization. Now, though this figure may seem a bit excessive, taking into perspective the approximate 70 Billion USD lost by countries such as the US in improper payments, this amount seems minute. Along with this, space research and development has substantially impacted areas including health and medicine, transportation, public safety, consumer goods, energy and environment, information technology, and industrial productivity.

What do scratch-resistant lenses, Velcro, satellite navigation, ear thermometers, heat-seeking missiles, as well as smoke detectors have in common? Now I’m sure you must have guessed it. They change and save lives. Be it the US’s heat-seeking missiles used to track a rogue ship with classified intel, or your friend’s scratch-resistant lenses which improve the longevity of his glasses, or even the GPS navigation system you used to get to work, these inventions have undoubtedly changed everyday lives. Now, take a moment to imagine a life without these. Without GPS. Without smoke detectors. Without Velcro. This would be a life without space exploration. The evolution of our knowledge of space has rapidly and efficiently increased the quality of life around the world. This is one of the many reasons we believe that Space Exploration is most definitely a field we should continue to invest in.

Overpopulation is and has been an increasingly more concerning subject, with the growth projection by 2050 to be approximately 9.7 billion people*. Now, this may not seem so large compared to the current 7.6 Billion people but considering the exploitation of natural resources such as over-fishing, coral bleaching, deforestation, and a larger amount of critically endangered animals as the days pass, fields such as agriculture and production of goods may have to grow more efficient by over tenfold or will not be able to support the current population. This drastic change in these sectors would not be possible due to current standards in these industries, as well as the resources provided now from our Earth.

This would also disprove any point bring made about how money spent in space exploration could be invested towards living standards, as, since companies capitalize on revenue and public appeal over the environment but a few, Space Exploration is most definitely our only hope. Furthermore, if 17 Billion USD was spent in foreign culture exchange programs, development assistance in infrastructure and resources, foreign aid, and supporting under-developed poverty-stricken countries, this would not make a lasting difference. Things that would make a difference to this would be investing in technology with the potential to contact alien life, or even learn more about the wonders of space which could be applied down here at Earth.

The argument being made against us can be put into this analogy. Imagine you are a colony of frogs in a pond. Generations after generations have lived in blissful ignorance of the outside world. This is the nature of animals which we currently classify as lacking cognitive as well as general aspects of intellect. Do we want to classify ourselves as this as well? Do we want to strive towards a better tomorrow, or sink to the level of non-evolved primates who will perish in the harsh reality of the universe with a problem we have created?

Take a moment to think that 90 Billion USD is spent on cancer research in the US alone. Are we making revolutionary breakthroughs each year? Not really. Over the past year alone, we have imaged a black hole, discovered a doppelganger to Earth, found 20 new moons around Saturn, landed on the far side of the moon, found that the supermassive black hole at the centre of the milky way has eaten an extremely large celestial body, observed the collision of a neutron star and a black hole, found super-puff planets the size of Neptune with the mean mass of cotton candy, and many more JUST by investing 17 Billion USD. Now, it can be said that a cure for cancer will certainly save many lives. But will not harvesting the sun’s energy in a Dyson sphere or contacting a Type 3 Kardashev civilization save billions?

Over the course of this essay, we have taken light blows from an opposition riddled with factual errors from a loosely built debate with governance from the incorrect statements based on finance, and environmental long-term impacts. This brings us to the conclusion that, considering the evidence given above, it is the rational decision to continue spending money to the Space Exploration Sector.

*This projection may be incorrect says UN due to drastic unprecedented recent growth

(Below is an infographic further demonstrating the impacts space exploration had made on our everyday lives)




Written by Aritro


My name is Aritro. Fascinated from a young age at the wonders of math, I like to think of myself as a charismatic, approachable, and curious student…

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